Message from Dr. Rick Glazier – November 2019

Our Institute Advisory Board (IAB) provides invaluable advice on strategic directions that will support innovative research, build capacity, and contribute to improved health system outcomes. It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the newest members of IHSPR’s IAB: Katie Aubrecht, Thomas Beaudry, Arlene Bierman, Antoine Groulx, Alies Maybee, and Verna Yiu. I invite you to learn about all of the outstanding members of our IAB.
IHSPR is developing its next five-year strategic plan and I encourage you to engage and help us identify priorities that will support the health services and policy research (HSPR) community to lead innovative research and tackle the most serious challenges facing our health care system. Our engagement process is multi-pronged - including key informant interviews, online webinars, and in-person town hall meetings - which we will share details of over the coming months. To help kick off our strategic planning process, please share your input on key priorities for consideration by completing our brief online IHSPR community survey.
Finally, the HSPR community has achieved a number of recent accomplishments that deserve celebration and recognition. I invite you to read more about these, below, and to join me in congratulating Dr. Andreas Laupacis, newly appointed editor-in-chief of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, the newly inducted Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Fellows, the 2019 awardees of the Health System Impact Fellowship program, and the recipients of HSPR strategic and open funding programs. These individuals and the work they are leading will undoubtedly contribute to improving health and health care in Canada. Congratulations!
Rick Glazier
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