COVID-19 and Mental Health (CMH) Initiative: Research

Knowledge Synthesis for Mechanistic and Targeted In-Person and Digital Social-Connection Intervention for Wellness and Resilience in Older Adults in Pandemic Context and Beyond
Key Messages
A rapid review was conducted to identify interventions tackling the mental health consequences of outbreak-related social restrictions for older people. We identified a limited number of interventions, mostly ongoing. The interventions implemented a range of strategies such as screening, use of technology to promote social connections, use of telehealth for at-risk groups, online resources for physical and psychological health, and proving reliable information and support to minimize outbreak-related worries. Similar strategies were proposed by experts who also highlighted the need to consider vulnerable groups such as those with poorer digital literacy, chronic conditions, and more disadvantaged socio-economic background.
- Mental Health
- Social distancing
- Elderly population
- Social isolation
- Social networks
- Knowledge Synthesis
- Loneliness
- Confinement
- Outbreak
- Resilience
- Nominated Principal Applicant: Laurette Dube, McGill University
- Catherine Paquet, Université Laval
- Mike Cisneros-Franco, McGill University
- Laurette Dubé, McGill University
For more information, please contact: Sabina Hamalova,
Related Syntheses
- School-Based Suicide Risk Assessment Using eHealth: A Scoping Review
- Interventions to Mitigate COVID-19 Related Mental Health Risks for Those with Pre-existing Chronic Health Conditions and Facing Social and Economic Barriers: A Scoping and Rapid Realist Review
- Niikaniganaw (All My Relations) Ii – the COVID-19 Rapid Response: Indigenous Approaches to Synthesizing Knowledge for Culturally-safe and Stigma Free Mental Health Care for Under-served Indigenous Communities in Ottawa-Gatineau
(External links)
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