COVID-19 and Mental Health (CMH) Initiative: Research

Rapid Evidence and Gap Map of Virtual Care Solutions for Youth and Families to Mitigate the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pain, Mental Health and Substance Use
Key Messages
- Virtual care is underutilized. Guidance and evidence exists and should be used where available to inform selection and implementation of virtual care best practices for youth with chronic pain and their families.
- There is a need for increased standardization of implementation and integration of virtual solutions into clinical care.
- Opportunities exist to further leverage stepped care virtual solutions to improve support for youth with chronic pain and their families.
- Children
- Youth
- Virtual care
- Chronic pain
- Mental health
- Substance use
- Guidelines
- Best practices
- Stepped care
- Nominated Principal Applicant: Kathryn A. Birnie, PhD RPsych, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, University of Calgary; Assistant Scientific Director, Solutions for Kids in Pain
- Melanie Noel, PhD RPsych, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
- Jennifer Stinson, PhD RN, Child Health Evaluative Sciences, The Hospital for Sick Children; Lawrence S. Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
- Isabel Jordan, Youth Patient Partner
- Evie Jordan, Parent Patient Partner
- Justina Marianayagam, BHSc, Youth Patient Partner; Medical Student, Northern Ontario School of Medicine
- Diane Lorenzetti, PhD, Health Sciences Library & Department of Community Health Sciences, University of Calgary
- Tieghan Killackey, PhD RN, Postdoctoral Fellow (July 2020), Child Health Evaluative Sciences, The Hospital for Sick Children
- Fiona Campbell, MD FRCA, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children; University of Toronto, Co-chair Canadian Pain Task Force
- Paul Arnold, MD PhD FRCPC, Departments of Psychiatry & Medical Genetics, University of Calgary
- Chitra Lalloo, PhD, Child Health Evaluative Sciences, The Hospital for Sick Children
- Alexandra Neville, MSc, PhD Student, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
- Maria Pavlova, MSc, PhD Student, Department of Psychology, University of Calgary
For more information, please contact: Kathryn Birnie,
Related Syntheses
- Niikaniganaw (All My Relations) Ii – the COVID-19 Rapid Response: Indigenous Approaches to Synthesizing Knowledge for Culturally-safe and Stigma Free Mental Health Care for Under-served Indigenous Communities in Ottawa-Gatineau
- An Evidence Synthesis Service to Support Ontario’s Mental Health and Addictions Centre of Excellence
- School-Based Suicide Risk Assessment Using eHealth: A Scoping Review
(External links)
Children, Youth and Families
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- Date modified: