COVID-19 and Mental Health (CMH) Initiative: Research

Remote Cognitive Assessment in Severe Mental Illness: A Scoping Review
Key Messages
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to develop guidelines and protocols for best practices in remote cognitive assessment of individuals diagnosed with a severe mental illness to ensure they can properly receive psychological interventions delivered through digital mental health technologies. Our main objective is to map the current knowledge on remote cognitive assessment in severe mental illness. This will allow us to develop guidelines for clinicians and researchers as well as identify promising avenues for future scientific studies. Until now, we have retrieved more than 20,000 articles, from which more than 50 have been included in our scoping review.
- Cognitive assessment
- Cognitive biases
- Cognitive capacity
- Psychosis
- Schizophrenia
- Bipolar disorder
- Depression
- Severe mental illness
- Remote assessment
- Scoping review
- Nominated Principal Applicant: Martin Lepage, McGill University
- Katie Lavigne, McGill University
- Geneviève Sauvé, Université de Québec à Montréal
- Michael Bodnar, University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research
- Christopher Bowie, Queen’s University
- Synthia Guimond, University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research
- Shalini Lal, Université de Montréal
- Tania Lecomte, Université de Montréal
- Mahesh Menon, University of British Columbia
- Todd Woodward, University of British Columbia
For more information, please contact: Martin Lepage,
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(External links)
Chronic Disease and/or Mental Illness
To ensure the rapid dissemination of this critical information, information is published in the language in which it was submitted. Please contact us for French or English translations.
- Date modified: