National Cohort Training Program
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In 2021, the Institute of Health Services and Policy Research was thrilled to announce and congratulate the awardees of the Health System Impact (HSI) Fellowship National Cohort Training Program (NCTP) funding opportunity.
The NCTP initiative provides HSI Fellows, alumni fellows, and their health system and academic supervisors with novel training, networking and collaboration opportunities designed to enhance their leadership competency and ability to apply their advanced research skillset to address pressing and complex health system challenges. The training is aligned to the health services and policy research enriched core competency framework and will aim to amplify Fellows’ embedded research impact and contribution to evidence-informed health system improvement.
The NCTP is led by a national consortium consisting of 65 members, 22 of which were previous HSI Fellows and 14 of which were HSI Fellow mentors. The consortium includes representation from 8 provinces and brings together a diverse set of perspectives with health system leaders and emerging leaders across academia and the health care delivery, public, not-for-profit, and private sectorsFootnote *. Overall, their unique insight into the HSI Fellowship program, as well as connection to health system organizations and decision-makers, provides a strong basis for advancing HSI Fellow cohort development and more broadly, learning health systems across Canada.
For more information, please refer to the NCTP Funding Opportunity.
Meet the co-Principal Applicant team:

Dr. Deborah Marshall
University of Calgary; HSI Fellow Academic Supervisor; Nominated Principal Applicant

Dr. Elena Lopatina
University of Calgary; HSI Fellow Alumna

Tracy Wasylak
Alberta Health Services; HSI Fellow Host Partner Supervisor

Dr. Kiran Pohar Manhas
Alberta Health Services; HSI Fellow Alumna

Dr. Tom Noseworthy
University of Calgary; HSI Fellow Host Partner Supervisor

Dr. Deepa Singal
University of Manitoba; HSI Fellow Alumna

Dr. Stirling Bryan
British Columbia Academic Health Science Network

Dr. Kim McGrail
University of British Columbia; HSI Fellow Academic Supervisor

Dr. Malcolm Doupe
University of Manitoba; HSI Fellow Academic Supervisor

Dr. Natasha Gallant
University of Saskatchewan; HSI Fellow Alumna

Sandra Zelinsky
Alberta SPOR Support Unit; Patient Engagement Researcher
Quote from Dr. Deborah Marshall, NPA:
“We are eager to champion and advance the community of practice for the next generation of health services and policy researchers – advancing high-performing and patient-centred learning health systems across Canada. We have an amazing collaborative team and I am honoured to be part of it. We are grateful to CIHR-IHSPR and our diverse partners and supporters, including the University of Calgary, the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine, the BC Academic Science Health Network, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, the O’Brien Institute for Public Health, the Alberta SUPPORT Unit, Alberta Innovates, and Alberta Health Services Strategic Clinical NetworksTM.”
Quote from Dr. Elena Lopatina, Co-PI & HSI Fellow Alumna
“I am passionate about the HSI Fellowship – it gave me opportunities for professional development and networking beyond what I could have imagined in doctoral training. I am really looking forward to working with the incoming fellows to share these same opportunities.”
Partners involved in the National Cohort Training Program:

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