Messages from the IHSPR Scientific Director

Dear Health Services and Policy Research (HSPR) community,
The Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) and its partners – CIHR’s Institute of Aging (IA), Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA), Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH), Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA), the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR), and the CMA Foundation – are thrilled to announce the funding results of the Catalyst Grant: Accelerate Evidence on Healthcare Delivery System Innovations that Achieve the Quadruple Aim and Improve Health Equity competition.
IHSPR identified "Accelerate the discovery of innovations that transform health care delivery systems to achieve the Quadruple Aim and improve health equity for all" as a core priority in its 2021-2026 strategic plan. The Quadruple Aim is centered around four overarching goals to redesign health care systems: improve the patient experience of care; improve the health of populations; improve the health care provider experience; and improve value for money. IHSPR has placed health equity at the center of these aims to encourage that all improvement and transformation efforts are done with a view to improving health equity for all.
The Catalyst Grant competition is IHSPR’s first initiative launch under this priority research area. Collectively, IHSPR and its partners are investing more than $4.9M to support 50 one-year knowledge creation and knowledge implementation projects with the greatest potential to advance macro/meso-level health system innovations.
Notably, this large research investment includes funding to inform the development of National Standards for mental health and substance use services, recently announced by the Government of Canada.
Thank you to the HSPR community for your continued collaboration and engagement. We look forward to realizing the outcomes of this very important and timely work.
Rick Glazier
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