IHSPR-CAHSPR Article of the Year Award Recipients 2023
The CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (CIHR-IHSPR) and Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) are pleased to announce that Meaghan Reitzel and Dr. David Rudoler have received the 2023 IHSPR-CAHSPR Article of the Year (AOTY) Award.
This award recognizes published research that has significantly contributed to the advancement of the field of health services and policy research (HSPR) in Canada. Articles were selected for their relevance to HSPR, as well as for the extent to which they showed a clear impact (or potential impact) on policy, practice, or health outcomes. Recipients are honoured with an award of $10,000 and a Certificate of Excellence, as well as an opportunity to present their work at the CAHSPR HSPR Talks Webinar.
This year, there was a tie and two (2) awards were granted:
Meaghan Reitzel

Meaghan Reitzel completed her Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy from Western University in 2011. In 2009, she received a Bachelor of Science in Health Studies from the University of Waterloo. She practices as a pediatric occupational therapist at KidsAbility, a Children’s Treatment Centre in Ontario. Meaghan is currently a PhD student in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University under the supervision of Dr. Michelle Phoenix and a student member of the CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research. Her PhD research engages multiple stakeholders (i.e., parents, clinicians and managers) to examine the implications of organizational practices, policy and service delivery models on access and engagement in pediatric rehabilitation services. Meaghan’s passion for inclusive participation extends to her role as a dance instructor where she co-facilitates an accessible dance class for children and youth with disabilities.
View the award-winning article:
Meaghan Reitzel, Briano Di Rezze and Lori Letts et al. Does Policy Impact Equitable Access to Services? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Discharge Policies in Paediatric Rehabilitation. International Journal of Disability and Social Justice. 2022. Vol. 2(2):65-90. DOI: 10.13169/intljofdissocjus.2.2.0065
Dr. David Rudoler

David Rudoler is the Research Chair in Population Health and Innovation in Mental Health at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, and an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ontario Tech University. David is also an Adjunct Scientist at ICES in the Mental Health & Addictions Research Program. David is an applied health services researcher with expertise in health policy, health economics, econometrics, administrative data analysis, and mixed methods. His research interests are varied, focusing primarily on health human resources, including the supply of community-based primary and mental health services; the evaluation of policy interventions, including provider responses to payment models and incentives; and the evaluation of community-based interventions for people with serious mental illness.
View the award-winning article:
David Rudoler, Sandra Peterson, David Stock, and Carole Taylor et al. Changes over time in patient visits and continuity of care among graduating cohorts of family physicians in 4 Canadian provinces. CMAJ Dec 2022, 194 (48) E1639-E1646; DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.220439
Top 10 Articles of the 2023 Year
The IHSPR-CAHSPR AOTY competition received an impressive number of high-ranking submissions this year. We are thrilled to present the Top 10 articles (published in 2022) in recognition of the exemplary work led by the HSPR community.
Inappropriate use of clinical practices in Canada: a systematic review
Janet E. Squires et al.
Lucy C. Barker et al.
Emily Seale et al.
Matthew T. James et al.
Impact of Team-Based Care on Emergency Department Use
Tara Kiran et al.
Gillian R. Currie et al.
Stephanie Montesanti et al.
Julia Abelson et al.
Kieran L. Quinn et al.
Nadia Sourial et al.
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