HostSeq: first-of-its-kind Canadian genomic and clinical databank

HostSeq is a first-of-its-kind Canadian genomic and clinical databank that is broadly consented for health research, giving researchers access to a rich dataset to help analyze and identify genetic determinants of health from a Canadian perspective.
Led by CGEn, Canada’s national platform for genome sequencing and analysis, HostSeq brought together 16 clinical research studies to sequence the genomes and gather clinical information for more than 10,000 Canadians to help understand host genetic contributions to COVID-19 and other health issues. HostSeq data is being used to support research into cancer, autism spectrum disorder, cardiac health and more.

Long Description
HostSeq databank contains 16 COVID-19 studies conducted across Canada, involving over 10,000 participants. Having more than 10,000 records, it incorporates clinical data and whole genome sequences, and has broad consent for health research. This resource offers controlled data access, facilitates international data sharing, and allows for the linkage to administrative datasets. The impacts of HostSeq include the characterization of the role of host genetics in disease, discovering new biomarkers for risk prevention, enabling targeted health care strategies, and contributing to the development of Canada's talent pipeline.
Apply today to access the HostSeq Databank!
- A diverse Canadian dataset
- Variant calls from 10,000+ whole genome sequences
- Consented for COVID-19 and other health research
- Accessible to researchers in the public and private sectors
- Any REB-approved study can apply
- No charge for data access
View the aggregate data, learn about current projects using the HostSeq data and apply for access
HostSeq was a part of Genome Canada’s Canadian COVID-19 Genomics Network (CanCOGeN), funded through the Federal Government.
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