World Cancer Day and Amplifying Impact Report 2024
Message from the Scientific Director, Dr. Fei-Fei Liu

In recognition of World Cancer Day on February 4, I am pleased to share the CIHR Institute of Cancer Research (ICR)'s Amplifying Impact Report 2024. This past year was an exceptionally exciting time at the Institute. In early 2024, ICR launched its Research Priority Plan 2024-2029, identifying three new priority areas to guide the Institute's initiatives, opportunities, and programs for the next five years. With this new roadmap, ICR is embarking on new strategic pursuits to enhance the Canadian cancer research landscape, investing in key areas to address the relentlessly increasing incidence of cancer every year, as well as supporting our growing population of cancer survivors.
A major Institute milestone in 2024 was the launch of ICR's Team Grants: Bringing Biology to Cancer Prevention, a $35M funding opportunity in cancer prevention research developed through significant collaboration within CIHR, across the national cancer research ecosystem, as well as internationally. Building and strengthening partnerships was one of the key elements of success for the Institute. In 2024 alone, ICR engaged 18 unique external partners―both nationally and internationally―to create and sustain opportunities for all members of the cancer research community. Many of these partnerships also focused on capacity building in under-resourced areas such as supporting the development of trainees, early career researchers, and persons with lived and living experience (PWLLEs).
I am so very proud of all of the successful initiatives that ICR was able to support in 2024, which would not have been possible without the enthusiastic engagement of our researchers, clinicians, PWLLE, partners, and other community members. I look forward to sharing more with you as the year progresses, and please stay connected with us at ICR to learn about all of our upcoming initiatives and opportunities!
Thank you everyone, and best wishes,
Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Cancer Research
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